Saturday, January 28, 2012

Meet the MEN in my life

I have noticed that my previous blogs tend to be more focused on the new beginnings of our life with Baby Madelyn but in this post I want to focus on the other loves of my life... Andrew and Chase.

Andrew was my first child. He has the biggest heart of anyone you will ever meet. "Roo" is an old soul in a 12 year old body. There is a tolerance and understanding in him that is way beyond his years. I will never forget the time that he told me that this kid who was picking on him needed to be pitied and prayed for because his home life was bad. Yes this is what my then 11 year old told me when I wanted to raise hell about it. It humbled me. And it made me unbelievably proud. He is my gamer. We have it 3, xbox 360, nintendo ds and wii but he loves his xbox 360 and when it stopped working he went online and researched how to fix it! He's so SMART and FUNNY! This kid makes me laugh constantly! From YouTube videos to jokes to funny faces he is a constant riot! I swear he is a used car salesman in the making. He can talk anyone into anything almost. Kills me! I never want him to change!!!! I never knew I could love so much until I held him in my arms.

Now for my Chase B.... This is my baby. He will always be my baby even though he informs me on a daily bases that he is big now. Chase has always gone at full speed. He literally goes until he passes out. He is my artist. He is drawing or coloring or creating something all the time. His other love is animals. I think Chase will end up being a vet or something related to animals. He is currently trying to talk me into letting him walk dogs. (And when i say trying to talk me into it I really mean annoying me to death about it. I think he hopes to wear me down. He will figure it out sooner or later.) Chase is shy in a way that I can't explain. He wants to be liked and is big on second and even third chances. He probably got that from me because he likes to see the good in people and it takes a lot for him to give up on someone. Chase has an innocence about him that I find incredibly endearing. I hope he can hold onto it for a little while longer. Jeez I love this kid!

These boys have been my life for 12 years now and I have loved every minute of it. Now that we have Madelyn the dynamic has changed a bit and each day is an adventure! They fill my life with love and laughter and I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us!

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