Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Wow, has this been one heck of a week. Not only am I completely exhausted from all the pre and post party preparations but I have had a series of strange things happening.

Madelyn has been sick with a stomach thing which lead to one of many sleepless nights this week! I am hoping she feels better soon! Mama needs some rest!

Then I ran over Chase's scooter in the garage and popped my tire!! I had to put the spare on myself... Which took me two tries, some serious language, and finally breaking out the owners manuel... But I finally did it!!! (they really make that look easier on TV!) YAY for me! 2 hours later and I was rocking the spare! Hahaha! I know... sad isn't it. I will not be asked to help NASCAR anytime soon. But I can live with that!

That little fiasco led to my having to get new tires because mine were long overdue. The sad thing is that Chase's scooter didn't even have a scratch... That lead to some more choice words....hehe!

It's just been a crazy crazy week!

But here's a new pic of my babies that make it all better! :-) love love love

Monday, September 17, 2012


First birthday parties are in a word...MAGICAL.  As a momma I made the decision to go all out for my Madelyns's party. I wanted to turn my back yard into a whirlwind of pinks and greens and flowers and balloons!

The Birthday Girl

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Birthday bash is almost here

That's right. Madelyn's first birthday party is tomorrow. She actually turned one on Wednesday the 13th but due to scheduling her party is tomorrow. I am excited for her. I hope she enjoys playing with all her little friends! Of course I am also nervous...did I make enough food...enough goodie bag... It goes on! Her cake was made by Life is Sweet Custom Cakes in Buford and it is perfect. It's exactly how I pictured it! Here is a little preview! More pics to follow!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Birthday Mania

I am gearing up for Madelyn's 1st birthday party! I am excited but also exhausted. The excited part can't wait to start setting everything up on Sunday for all our friends and family to enjoy. The exhausted part of me wishes I had kept this to a small family party. But it's too late for that and I have spent way too much money to have regrets now. Miss Madelyn is going to have the best first birthday party ever!! (ok keeping it real, it may not be the best ever but she's one, she won't know the difference! Ha!) but it will be a great party with great people. But I am telling you what.. Doing all this by yourself is HARD. I have to clean my house, cook all the food, make Madelyn's birthday outfit ( yea-I went there! But she will look fantabulous!), and finish the decorations all the while keeping my now walking one year old aka birthday girl...entertained. I know I know... Your all thinking what the heck were you thinking?!?!? Well... I never do anything half way so might as well go big or go home. So that being said...check back soon for pics of the birthday bash!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Has it really been a year already?

My little baby girl is turning a year old next week!  I am not ready! My little independant miss has started walking/running all over the place. As I am writing this she is standing inside her birthday gift waving at me with this huge smile of joy. How sweet is she? (see photo)

Its so strange to think that a year ago I was so uncertain about my future and how I could possibly do this single mommy thing but I could never imagine my life without this little miracle. Of course she is already spoiled by all of us and has already enjoyed the fun of her birthday gifts lol..of course it is hard to hide a play house. haha.. we are having a big backyard bash for her party and I am hoping it all comes together as I planned. I want it to be perfect (not that she will care or even notice) and I am loving all the planning. Party photos to follow!