Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Happy Ending

Today was another fun day out with my kiddos. I worked for about an hour this morning before scooping up the gang and heading to Cracker Barrel for some brunch. This is only a momentous occasion because we have tried to eat at cracker barrel for the last three weekends and it's been packed with hour + waits so we have gone elsewhere. So yay to finally picking the perfect time to go. Not to mention we LOVE the little store that's attached! I got Madelyn the cutest little romper for next year (see picture below).

Saying goodbye to 2011

2011 has been an extremely emotional year for me. I made some extremely hard decisions that have changed my life forever. I have cried more than I thought possible but in the end I would say it all turned out okay.

Friday, December 30, 2011

What a day...

Today has been extremely exhausting but FUN for the most part. I went to work for a few hours this morning then the kiddos and I set out for a day of shopping. We were on the hunt for a carseat for Madelyn. A task that left me very frustrated and without a carseat. So then we stopped in Duluth at the Discover Mills to pick up some tickets to the High Museum that I had won a few weeks ago. While we were there we ate a quick lunch at Johnny Rockets (it was ok but not great :/) then walked around a few shops picking up a few sleepers for Madelyn (great sale at Carter's). But the main attraction for the boys was the Sling Shot Speedway where they could race cars! Talk about excitement. The boys were in heaven. They had the best time and were driving me a little batty going on and on about how this car did that and this and whatever cars do LOL.. But as long as they had fun that's all that matters.

Sleepy Girl

I am completely blessed with a lovely daughter who sleeps all night. I put her down around 8:30-9pm and I have to wake her up to go to the nanny's at 7:30. She's always been a great sleeper from the beginning. When I first brought her home she would get up 2 times a night but by the time she was 2

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Will I ever catch up?

Thank goodness that I have only one more day this week before my three day weekend starts. I am exhausted and I have a million things to do around my house! Because I have been working so much during our busy season I have let a lot of housework go undone. Having baby Madelyn also makes

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I realized today that I have spent a lot of the past few months looking back. Worrying about things that can't be changed and about situations that are out of my control. So my new years resolution is to just live. To enjoy each day and what it brings and not worry about yesterday. I have a beautiful daughter

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

Well it's the day after Christmas and I'm somewhat sad that it's over. It went by so fast. So a short recap...

Christmas Eve found the kiddos and I in Suwannee at the Mellow Mushroom. Yummy pizza!!! Then we made a quick trip over to La Ti Da for some last minute Christmas gifts. Chase bought Madelyn the cutest little squirrel! She loved it! From there we went and saw Auntie H at Summits Wayside