Saturday, February 18, 2012


We have been a little busy this past week so my posts have been a little... well.. nonexistent.

So I will attempt to "hit the high spots" on what we have been up to.

Valentines was a little bizarre for me this year. Mostly because I had been fighting a cold and had forgotten all about it! That left me at the mercy at CVS but the kids seemed to enjoy their goodies so THANK YOU CVS! :-)

My sister took Chase to the HIGH museum of Art and he LOVED it!!!

Andrew and I finally found a great restaurant for burgers in Buford : Teds Montana Grill, which my sister and I reconfirmed Monday night. YUMMY..ohh.... I almost forgot the homemade potato chips and dip... I could have licked the bowl.

School was out Friday, so the kids and I headed over to Cumming and kidnapped Auntie H and headed to the Avenues for some Mellow Mushroom Pizza and some shopping. FUN! Great deals at American Eagle!!

The boys headed to NC for the weekend and had a blast spending thr night with their Nana. Now if we can only talk her into coming for a visit. Hint Hint. Lol.

The boys talked Auntie H into taking them to the movies to see the new Journey movie in IMAX 3D. They loved it!!!

Fun and family filled days ahead. Can't wait for the weekend. Long to do lists. Happy Wednesday. :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Milestones of Baby M

Yesterday Madelyn turned 5 months old. I can not believe it has already been that long since I brought her home from the hospital. Here are some quick updates on her progress.

#1...She has officially out grown the Carter's 3 month clothes. She can still wear most 3-6 months but she can also wear 6 months even though they are a little big.

#2...In the last couple of days she has been full out laughing. She is always smiley and would laugh a bit out loud when you tickled her or made funny faces but now she is actually laughing repeatedly! The boys absolutely crack her up! It's the cutest thing ever!!!

#3....She has found her hands and has figured out how to use them! Haha! She is grasping and moving toys on her exersaucer and her rocker. She can hold her bottle (if she wants to otherwise she's a total diva). And she is very good at putting things in her mouth.

4...transitioning her to baby food is turning out to be difficult. She has not liked any of the Gerber baby foods except the apples and she doesn't really love the organic plum brand either. But tonight we tried the Sprout organic roasted butternut squash and she loved it!!! She still hates the carrots but I can live with that.

5...she can roll over (scary I know) and is really working hard to sit up on her own. She's very determined!

6...She is still sleeping through the night and I am thankful for that! I put her down around 9pm and she will sleep until at least 9:30 or 10 am. I have no complaints in that department at all!

7... We are currently in tooth watch mode. No visible signs but we have the river of drool and the runny nose and low grade fevers. I doubt it will be long before she cuts her first tooth!

So far she is right on target with where she should be and is growing up so fast that I am afraid to blink because I might miss something. I have a very blessed life with my Baby M and my two big boys!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just another toy I wish I had never bought

I completely overdid the Christmas presents this year. I know this because some of the cashiers at toys r us and gamestop now know me personally. Yeah it's that bad. For the most part I bought the new games that were out for Xbox, PS3, and Nintendo DS. ( Its robbery how expensive some of these games cost. How these manufacturers can sleep at night is beyond me!) But what I am mad at myself for buying are the toy toys. The remote helicopter that was flown for a day and broken. The Mario Kart Racetrack by Knex that has never even been put all the way together but is now laying in a million pieces in the nursery floor. The countless legos and the train set and the art I need to go on? It's like I might has well have taken the money and threw it in the garbage. I am not going to do that this year. I have a general idea about a larger item that the kids want and I think I am going to buy it and nothing else but the accessories for it. It's not that they don't appreciate what they have. They just are almost past that age where toys just can't hold their attention when they have game systems and laptops and all that jazz. This technology age has spoiled them.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Family Day Out Part 2

After the bakery we headed to the Gwinnett Place Mall to exchange my bedding for the correct size at Macy's. Can I just how run down that mall is. And ghetto but not in the fabulous way. Even one of the employees at Gymboree commented on how a lot of the stores were empty. The funniest part was we ended up in the Mega Mart which we have never gone in before. It was an interesting experience that's for sure. The kids loved the fountain and Madelyn was being a great baby riding around in her new umbrella stroller. From there we headed to Discover Mills so the boys could have a few races at the slingshot speedway. They love that place and have launched a campaign to talk me into buying them their own race cars. I am not sold yet. Don't these kids realize Christmas was months ago?!? Sheesh. Lol. After the racing and shopping we headed over to Cracker Barrel for some breakfast for dinner and it was yummy!! Now we are home and getting ready to watch Breaking Dawn on DVD. (team Jacob! But that's a recent development, haha!!)

Family Day Out Part 1

Today was the boys pick on where to eat for lunch. Of course that means Mellow Mushroom Pizza. The good side to that (other than the pizza being fantabulous!) is that the closest one is in Suwannee Town Center and it's right beside my favorite place called Gimme Some Suga. So after pizza we are heading for cupcakes. Yummy!!

Reality Check

I have been a little bit stressed on the verge of needing medication for all the stress I have been under for the past few weeks. I was talking to my mother the other day and I was complaining about the boys and complaining about the new stress at work...I was just pretty much complaining about everything. I couldnt find one positive thing to talk about in the mix of all that anxiety. I have become the epitome of "Debbie Downer" and I couldnt seem to break out of the funk that came with it. I wasnt sleeping and I was eating everything in sight that was definitely not on my diet list! I was so run down that I caught yet another cold and spent most of the day yesterday in bed. Then I read this blog by a mother who has a son with EB. It was horrific and sad and humbling. I am a fighter and a worker but the way I have been complaining the last few weeks have made me feel like a brat. Yes my boys are not behaving and being disrespectful and my job is...lets not even go there....but you know what I have it easy compaired to this poor woman that can not even hold her child without causing him pain. Life has given me many blessings and I am not going to spend one more day taking them for granted. No more excuses..I am going to live each day and show how thankful I am for everything and everyone in my life.

Chase, Auntie H, Madelyn, and Andrew at Starbucks

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Most of all I am just tired of being tired

I am TIRED of crying.
I am TIRED of yelling.
I am TIRED of being sad.
I am TIRED of pretending.
I am TIRED of being alone.
I am TIRED of being angry.
I am TIRED of feeling crazy.
I am TIRED of feeling stuck.
I am TIRED of needing help.
I am TIRED of remembering.
I am TIRED of missing things.
I am TIRED of being different.
I am TIRED of missing people.
I am TIRED of feeling worthless.
I am TIRED of feeling empty inside.
I am TIRED of not being able to just let go.
I am TIRED of wishing I could start all over.
I am TIRED of dreaming about a life I will never have.
But most of all.. I am just TIRED of being TIRED!

I didn't write this but it could not be more true sometimes.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Baby Proof

All you moms know ok...lets keep it real.. some things that come out of these babies are just down right nasty.... I mean sometimes I think I need a hazmat suit to feed a baby! Love you Madelyn!! Anyway... I have found an extremely awesome brand of work out wear at TARGET!!! I have bought yoga/workout clothes at American Eagle and Aeropostale and it does not hold a candle to the fleece light weight jacket I bought on clearance at Target. I paid $14 for this jacket that Baby M has... initiated at least a dozen times which means... It's been washed a dozen times and it still looks new! No shrinking, fading, or lint! It's a pewter color and I love it! I only wish they had more. I paid 3 times that for my aero ones and they look terrible! I am sold on this product! I love my Target!!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Its a moms world

In today's society it is very common that both parents have to work outside the home support their families. At my office the majority of us ( I work in a dental office in which all of my coworkers are women) have become the "bread winners" for our families due to various economic declines. With construction almost completely shut down these men are no longer pulling high salaries down assuming they have even been able to maintain employment at all. I am thankful that I have a dependable job that allows me to provide the necessities and a few luxuries for my family because let me tell you my government hasn't done anything to help me. Even with my maternity leave this year I am still going to end up paying state taxes because of being in a higher tax category. I have 3 children that I raise on my salary and I don't qualify for EIC. So the dreams of my new sectional sofa with matching oversized ottoman are circling the drain in leu of paying almost $700 to the lovely state of Georgia. Boo! Did I mention the sofa is grey? Yeah..... Lol.

Ok back to the working mother.... I often times feel like I am judged. Probably not really by anyone other than myself but the feeling of inadequacy is still there. I love to cook but on the days I work I rarely do it unless it is a baked spaghetti or something like that. The poor people at pizza hut delivery know me personally and that's just sad. I hope to change that now that my office is slowing down a bit and I can get home before 6. I have had people criticize me for that. Literally make smart comments about it but thats their issues because I am doing the best I can so moving on.

Laundry... OH EM GEE.... We're going to skip that one because I am still praying that the laundry fairy will come and catch me up from my weekend out of town. It has occurred to me that if I just stopped buying these children clothes then I wouldn't have to wash so much. Of course I am sure going to school naked would be frowned upon in my district. Hahaha.

My house needs a complete spring cleaning! (THANK GOD it's NOT SPRING yet!!!!) I think I am just overwhelmed right now. I was doing so well when I first started back from maternity leave then we got slammed at work and I was literally there 7 days a week. (ergo higher tax bracket...bye bye sofa) Its so hard because when I am home I want to spend it with the boys and Baby M. This is her bonding time and when she spends more waking hours with the nanny than with me it's extremely hard to just spend the whole weekend cleaning. I know it will work out but I am hoping to get super organized this weekend so that things can get back to normal.

And all those haters out there who judge us working mommas need to spend more time encouraging us because let's face it people. We are the current future of this fact I am going to be stimulating the economy a little today and possibly do a little shopping. Hahahaha. Like I need an excuse to shop.

Oh and I threw in this adorable new pic of Baby M! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo Diary

Madelyn is changing so much every day that I am constantly snapping pictures of her. I thought I would use this post to play catch up with some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
someone was NOT happy but I love this picture

Snuggle Bug

Tummy time

sleeping angel