Friday, February 3, 2012

Its a moms world

In today's society it is very common that both parents have to work outside the home support their families. At my office the majority of us ( I work in a dental office in which all of my coworkers are women) have become the "bread winners" for our families due to various economic declines. With construction almost completely shut down these men are no longer pulling high salaries down assuming they have even been able to maintain employment at all. I am thankful that I have a dependable job that allows me to provide the necessities and a few luxuries for my family because let me tell you my government hasn't done anything to help me. Even with my maternity leave this year I am still going to end up paying state taxes because of being in a higher tax category. I have 3 children that I raise on my salary and I don't qualify for EIC. So the dreams of my new sectional sofa with matching oversized ottoman are circling the drain in leu of paying almost $700 to the lovely state of Georgia. Boo! Did I mention the sofa is grey? Yeah..... Lol.

Ok back to the working mother.... I often times feel like I am judged. Probably not really by anyone other than myself but the feeling of inadequacy is still there. I love to cook but on the days I work I rarely do it unless it is a baked spaghetti or something like that. The poor people at pizza hut delivery know me personally and that's just sad. I hope to change that now that my office is slowing down a bit and I can get home before 6. I have had people criticize me for that. Literally make smart comments about it but thats their issues because I am doing the best I can so moving on.

Laundry... OH EM GEE.... We're going to skip that one because I am still praying that the laundry fairy will come and catch me up from my weekend out of town. It has occurred to me that if I just stopped buying these children clothes then I wouldn't have to wash so much. Of course I am sure going to school naked would be frowned upon in my district. Hahaha.

My house needs a complete spring cleaning! (THANK GOD it's NOT SPRING yet!!!!) I think I am just overwhelmed right now. I was doing so well when I first started back from maternity leave then we got slammed at work and I was literally there 7 days a week. (ergo higher tax bracket...bye bye sofa) Its so hard because when I am home I want to spend it with the boys and Baby M. This is her bonding time and when she spends more waking hours with the nanny than with me it's extremely hard to just spend the whole weekend cleaning. I know it will work out but I am hoping to get super organized this weekend so that things can get back to normal.

And all those haters out there who judge us working mommas need to spend more time encouraging us because let's face it people. We are the current future of this fact I am going to be stimulating the economy a little today and possibly do a little shopping. Hahahaha. Like I need an excuse to shop.

Oh and I threw in this adorable new pic of Baby M! Enjoy!

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