Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Milestones of Baby M

Yesterday Madelyn turned 5 months old. I can not believe it has already been that long since I brought her home from the hospital. Here are some quick updates on her progress.

#1...She has officially out grown the Carter's 3 month clothes. She can still wear most 3-6 months but she can also wear 6 months even though they are a little big.

#2...In the last couple of days she has been full out laughing. She is always smiley and would laugh a bit out loud when you tickled her or made funny faces but now she is actually laughing repeatedly! The boys absolutely crack her up! It's the cutest thing ever!!!

#3....She has found her hands and has figured out how to use them! Haha! She is grasping and moving toys on her exersaucer and her rocker. She can hold her bottle (if she wants to otherwise she's a total diva). And she is very good at putting things in her mouth.

4...transitioning her to baby food is turning out to be difficult. She has not liked any of the Gerber baby foods except the apples and she doesn't really love the organic plum brand either. But tonight we tried the Sprout organic roasted butternut squash and she loved it!!! She still hates the carrots but I can live with that.

5...she can roll over (scary I know) and is really working hard to sit up on her own. She's very determined!

6...She is still sleeping through the night and I am thankful for that! I put her down around 9pm and she will sleep until at least 9:30 or 10 am. I have no complaints in that department at all!

7... We are currently in tooth watch mode. No visible signs but we have the river of drool and the runny nose and low grade fevers. I doubt it will be long before she cuts her first tooth!

So far she is right on target with where she should be and is growing up so fast that I am afraid to blink because I might miss something. I have a very blessed life with my Baby M and my two big boys!

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  1. HI,
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