Saturday, January 28, 2012

Meet the MEN in my life

I have noticed that my previous blogs tend to be more focused on the new beginnings of our life with Baby Madelyn but in this post I want to focus on the other loves of my life... Andrew and Chase.

Andrew was my first child. He has the biggest heart of anyone you will ever meet. "Roo" is an old soul in a 12 year old body. There is a tolerance and understanding in him that is way beyond his years. I will never forget the time that he told me that this kid who was picking on him needed to be pitied and prayed for because his home life was bad. Yes this is what my then 11 year old told me when I wanted to raise hell about it. It humbled me. And it made me unbelievably proud. He is my gamer. We have it 3, xbox 360, nintendo ds and wii but he loves his xbox 360 and when it stopped working he went online and researched how to fix it! He's so SMART and FUNNY! This kid makes me laugh constantly! From YouTube videos to jokes to funny faces he is a constant riot! I swear he is a used car salesman in the making. He can talk anyone into anything almost. Kills me! I never want him to change!!!! I never knew I could love so much until I held him in my arms.

Now for my Chase B.... This is my baby. He will always be my baby even though he informs me on a daily bases that he is big now. Chase has always gone at full speed. He literally goes until he passes out. He is my artist. He is drawing or coloring or creating something all the time. His other love is animals. I think Chase will end up being a vet or something related to animals. He is currently trying to talk me into letting him walk dogs. (And when i say trying to talk me into it I really mean annoying me to death about it. I think he hopes to wear me down. He will figure it out sooner or later.) Chase is shy in a way that I can't explain. He wants to be liked and is big on second and even third chances. He probably got that from me because he likes to see the good in people and it takes a lot for him to give up on someone. Chase has an innocence about him that I find incredibly endearing. I hope he can hold onto it for a little while longer. Jeez I love this kid!

These boys have been my life for 12 years now and I have loved every minute of it. Now that we have Madelyn the dynamic has changed a bit and each day is an adventure! They fill my life with love and laughter and I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us!

Expect the Unexpected

As a work-a-holic mother of three my life pretty much operates inside the gray area. Although to be honest I think ( and this is just my opinion) that all those people who claim to be living the perfect life are not being real. Life is not perfect it's hard and shaky and rough around the edges. Life takes work and in the end it can often be disappointing. BUT ( and yes I know there is always a but! Lol) I am also a little bit of a romantic so I do believe you can find the life that is right for you and have a life filled with beautiful moments....

Ok back to the point.. the unexpected... I had decided to come home for the weekend to regroup from a very stressful couple of weeks at work. Baby M hadn't been feeling very well for the last week she had a really stuffy nose but was much better from that (THANK YOU to my wonderful humidifier..yes I figured out how to work it..finally! And to the little noses decongestant spray)! So we loaded up and she did amazing and slept the whole way here. So I was super excited about seeing the family and having a nice no drama weekend. But when we met my mom and stepdad at Rib Country for my birthday dinner Madelyn started screaming to the top of her lungs when I handed her to my mom (which if you knew this baby girl you would know she hardly ever cries) and would not even let her hold her at all. She pretty much cried off and off throughout the entire meal even when I was holding her. This lasted on and off for about three hours until she passed out around 10pm. This girl had a huge stomach ache, her poor little belly was so tight and you could feel it just rumbling! I finally put her on a heating pad and she calmed down enough to go to bed. The funny thing is she slept great! Didn't make a peep all night! She woke up this morning and is all bright eyes and happy smiles. She is sitting all curled up in my moms lap just laughing and talking away. THANK GOD!! I was starting to get worried she had forgotten her Nana and I know my mom was heartbroken. But all is well!!
My baby girl is back to her normal sweet self.

Now we are dealing with another hick-up in the road which is the weather it's freezing here so since Madelyn hasnt felt so great I am thinking we are going to hangout at my moms today all day and just relax and not get out in the wind. Then we will visit my grandmother tomorrow on our way back to Buford. And to be honest I feel lazy myself so I am ok with staying in my pjs. :-)

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Hunger Games

*SPOILER ALERT: If you are planning on reading the book you may not want to read my review*

I thought it was an easy read. It took me only a couple of hours to read the entire book. I also thought that it had a very descriptive quality that allowed you to almost picture what the characters were experiencing. Was it by far the best book I have ever read?No.

I would have liked a little more back story on how these games were founded. They touched on it a little bit and I assume because this was originally a youth book that they were trying to keep it interesting for young readers, which I think they completely succeeded! My son loved the book and he is the one who bought it and convinced me to read it. But as an adult reading it there was a lack of content in certain areas...because I think kids accept things at face value but as adults we tend to question... Who allowed that? could the parents do that?.... Our moral code screaming no way would my child die to feed me. So in that aspect I would have liked to have heard more of the previous struggle that got them to where they are now.

I know I had a few negative points but I did enjoy the book. I would recommend it for anyone wanting an easy and entertaining book. I am more excited to see the movie that's coming out soon. It looks really good! So I am thinking I will take the boys and have a family outing to the cinema when it's released!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thank God its Thursday

I am so extremely happy that my weekend has officially arrived. I am excited about my weekend in NC! I have a ton of stuff to do in the morning before we leave because the weather has been so nasty this week.

I think the weather has matched my mood perfectly. I have been somewhat irritable and just plain exhausted this week. So I am looking forward to going home and decompressing so I can start over Monday with a better outlook. I really need to get back in the gym or at least find some motivation. I will feel 100 times better when I can be more active.

I NEED MY GYM!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just another day

Today was my birthday. Yay....not so much. This year I deliberatly made no plans other than spending time with my family. This weekend I am heading home to North Carolina to visit with my mom, danny, and my grandmother. I think I need to get out of Buford for a few days and regroup.

I have been so incredibly stressed recently that I am having a hard time holding onto my fake happy demenour. I am actually pretty close to just going off on the next random person that ticks me off. HAHAHAHA..HA..yeah.....

So back to the birthday.... Even though I had a pretty miserable day as a whole..there were some special moments that I am thankful for.

#1... Chase gave me a pair of earrings for my birthday. (Back story... when we were at American Eagle over the weekend picking up my sisters birthday gift, Chase asked if he could buy me something for my birthday....and since he had no money I assumed he meant could I buy myself something for my birthday..gotta love I had to turn my head so he could hand it to the cashier without me seeing...well apparently he had left it in the car all week and by chance saw it laying in the seat and handed it to me while we were in the car waiting for the bus to show up....they were cute...he did good.) But, the moment that touched my heart, that I will always remember is the hesitance he had when the bus came... it was like he didnt want to leave me, couldnt say he loved me enough, just kept saying goodbye. It is hard to describe but I will never forget it.

#2... I walked into the breakroom at my office to find a HUGE chocolate mousse birthday cake (with the biggest icicng balloons I have ever seen) sitting on the table. THANKS DEBBIE! It melted in your mouth it was sooo yummy!!!! I loved it! Of course if you knew me you would know I am a dessert first type of person. However I was good..I only had one far....but the night is young...HAHAHA

#3...  My sister sent me a lovely flower arrangement to my work. It was completely unexpected. I love flowers! THANKS SISTER DEAR!

I had originally planned to go out to eat with the kiddos but Madelyn was a little under the weather and we decided to order some pizza delivery. But the boys were so cute "surprising" me with water in wine glasses and a candle in my cake. Nice way to round out the night. LOVE THEM!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Suga Suga

Madelyn has spent the last few minutes giving me "suga". (Either that or she was trying to  eat me....hmmmm......yeah, lets go with kisses. hahaha) She is sweet as pie and I wouldnt trade her little smooches for anything, BUT now I am drenched! I am not sure which one of us was worse because Madelyn was soaking me then rubbing her face on my wet face. We were a mess! IT WAS AWESOME! HAHAHA! I love our mommy and me time!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rainy outside but sweet and cuddly inside

It has been pretty miserable outside today. Dark, dreary, and very WET! All of those things limit taking Baby M out because the last thing we want is her stuffy nose to turn into something more serious.

But other than keeping me from doing a few errands, its okay by me because Madelyn and I have enjoyed a super long 2 and a half hour nap! She just cuddled up beside me and went to sleep and I just decided to go right with her. The phone woke me up but she is still snoozing away.

And as I lay here watching her sleep I know that there is no other place I would rather be. Snuggled next to my sweet baby girl while the boys play video games and watch tv and peek in the door every few minutes to see if we're up ( seriously).

I love my family and being nice and dry, warm, and cuddly inside is ok by me. :-)

Book Reviews

I am going to start a new page that will have reviews and summaries of some current books I have read. (Don't get too excited I am a work-a-holic who has an infant at home, so reading is way down on my list) I love to read and have been involved in several book clubs in the past. So I hope you enjoy my comments and recommendations and I will make sure to include at the top of my post if it will have a spoiler in it. Happy reading!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stuffy and runny noses and watery eyes

I hate when the kiddos are sick. Baby M has a little cold. Her nose is stuffy and her eyes are "leaking" as Chase calls it. She's taking a little snooze on me right now which I love. She's a cuddle bug! I hope she feels better soon!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Nothing is certain

I am one of those people that do not usually mind getting up and going to work. For the most part I enjoy what I do and I know that going to work provides for my families needs. But after having three wonderful days off without having to even think about work or be on any kind of schedule is just wonderful and I want more! And even more than that is the look of pure joy on my daughters face as she wakes up and sees my face is...well its priceless.

Who knew?

I just finished folding the last of Madelyn's little bitty laundry. It amazes me that so many little pieces can fit into such a small basket. I am sitting on the couch surrounded on three sides by baby clothes. Then it occurs to me that she has more clothes than anyone in this house! I think I will be returning some clothes that I bought her over the weekend because she doesn't need a thing unless she hits a huge growth spurt.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Save BIG at American Eagle and more

So it's that time of year where all the stores are marking down last years merchandise to make way for the new spring line. So that means BIG savings for everyone. I just thought I would share a few with you that I saw this weekend.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Dont drink the water

Hahahahaha! Has anyone else noticed the increase in pregnant women? Not only that but women having babies later in life?

Thank you Madelyn

I have the best baby ever! She has been sleeping completely thru the night for a month and a half. Even before that she would only get up one time. So she has been pretty awesome from the start.

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's my party...I can cry if I want to

It's that time of year again...thats right...its my birthday month...again.  This morning I had some quiet time to reflect on the changes I have been thru since my last birthday.

Gimme some suga

Since this marks my last weekend before "the get fit or die trying" plan I am starting on Monday, I have decided to go out with a bang and head over to a local bakery in Suwanee for some cupcakes!!!!!! I probably wont go until tomorrow but I am going to buy six of the most decadent yummy melt in your mouth cupcakes I can find to eat for dessert after every single meal this weekend. Hahahahaha.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

One tired but EXCITED momma

Today starts the beginning of my first three day weekend in FOREVER!! My office has been so insanely busy since I have been back from maternity leave. I have worked almost every weekend and I am so exhausted but I am also excited!!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Madelyn's Tummy Time (photographer: Xavier Davis)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

This is definitely my GIRL

She has finally figured out how to play with the toys on her exersaucer and she goes for the CAKE!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I have the Sweetest Daughter EVER!

I have been feeling extremely under the weather for the last day and a half due to this icky cold. It hasn't helped that I have been working non stop for the past few days, but today my daughter was the epitome of sweet as pie.

Getting with the Program

In the last month my tight hold on organization has been shot out the window due to my crazy work schedule. Don't get me wrong the extra money is much needed and I have been more than willing to accept my long hours to take care of our patients. But....I am exhausted! I am pretty sure my boss is also feeling the same way about right now. So I am happy to report that I think I have the next weekend off.

Not loving this

I basically signed on to work all weekend. We had a family in from Utah that needed some work done before they leave for an extended period of time. The catch phrase "What was I thinking" applies to this.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Life as we know it

I have decided that my boys are about to get a serious wake up call. I am no longer going to be their personal maid. Don't get me wrong my guys are fabulous. But they are messy and what I like to call lazy. So typical boys....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Suwanee Caboose

This year instead of having Christmas pictures taken in a studio, a friend of mine, who is an amateur photographer, offered to take some pictures at the Suwanee Town Center Caboose.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bright Eyes, Little Voices and Funny Faces

Madelyn and I have a little game we play called funny faces. I can honestly say that it is one of the major highlights of my day.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Well its official! I joined the thousands of others who are saving money by buying in bulk. Well technically I haven't actually bought anything to save money on yet but I bought the membership and thats the first step!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Rocky Start

Day 1 of 2012 has gotten off to a very rocky start for me! I ended last year and started this year in bed with extreme back pain. I could not find a comfortable position at all. Pain relief cream, ice packs, a hot bath, a lortab, and too many ibuprofen to count and i am still hurting. Doesn't bode well for my 6 day work week ahead.