Saturday, January 28, 2012

Expect the Unexpected

As a work-a-holic mother of three my life pretty much operates inside the gray area. Although to be honest I think ( and this is just my opinion) that all those people who claim to be living the perfect life are not being real. Life is not perfect it's hard and shaky and rough around the edges. Life takes work and in the end it can often be disappointing. BUT ( and yes I know there is always a but! Lol) I am also a little bit of a romantic so I do believe you can find the life that is right for you and have a life filled with beautiful moments....

Ok back to the point.. the unexpected... I had decided to come home for the weekend to regroup from a very stressful couple of weeks at work. Baby M hadn't been feeling very well for the last week she had a really stuffy nose but was much better from that (THANK YOU to my wonderful humidifier..yes I figured out how to work it..finally! And to the little noses decongestant spray)! So we loaded up and she did amazing and slept the whole way here. So I was super excited about seeing the family and having a nice no drama weekend. But when we met my mom and stepdad at Rib Country for my birthday dinner Madelyn started screaming to the top of her lungs when I handed her to my mom (which if you knew this baby girl you would know she hardly ever cries) and would not even let her hold her at all. She pretty much cried off and off throughout the entire meal even when I was holding her. This lasted on and off for about three hours until she passed out around 10pm. This girl had a huge stomach ache, her poor little belly was so tight and you could feel it just rumbling! I finally put her on a heating pad and she calmed down enough to go to bed. The funny thing is she slept great! Didn't make a peep all night! She woke up this morning and is all bright eyes and happy smiles. She is sitting all curled up in my moms lap just laughing and talking away. THANK GOD!! I was starting to get worried she had forgotten her Nana and I know my mom was heartbroken. But all is well!!
My baby girl is back to her normal sweet self.

Now we are dealing with another hick-up in the road which is the weather it's freezing here so since Madelyn hasnt felt so great I am thinking we are going to hangout at my moms today all day and just relax and not get out in the wind. Then we will visit my grandmother tomorrow on our way back to Buford. And to be honest I feel lazy myself so I am ok with staying in my pjs. :-)

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