Friday, January 27, 2012

The Hunger Games

*SPOILER ALERT: If you are planning on reading the book you may not want to read my review*

I thought it was an easy read. It took me only a couple of hours to read the entire book. I also thought that it had a very descriptive quality that allowed you to almost picture what the characters were experiencing. Was it by far the best book I have ever read?No.

I would have liked a little more back story on how these games were founded. They touched on it a little bit and I assume because this was originally a youth book that they were trying to keep it interesting for young readers, which I think they completely succeeded! My son loved the book and he is the one who bought it and convinced me to read it. But as an adult reading it there was a lack of content in certain areas...because I think kids accept things at face value but as adults we tend to question... Who allowed that? could the parents do that?.... Our moral code screaming no way would my child die to feed me. So in that aspect I would have liked to have heard more of the previous struggle that got them to where they are now.

I know I had a few negative points but I did enjoy the book. I would recommend it for anyone wanting an easy and entertaining book. I am more excited to see the movie that's coming out soon. It looks really good! So I am thinking I will take the boys and have a family outing to the cinema when it's released!

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