Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saying goodbye to 2011

2011 has been an extremely emotional year for me. I made some extremely hard decisions that have changed my life forever. I have cried more than I thought possible but in the end I would say it all turned out okay.

In JANUARY I turned 31 years old and found out I was pregnant. The funny thing about that was that I literally found out on my birthday. Shock doesn't begin to describe how I felt because I wasn't sure if I would ever have any more children not to mention i would be having this one alone. From there I would say it went from bad to worse for a few months. I was so sick all the time. Not to mention the extreme stress of dealing with the father who didn't want this baby. I think I probably functioned on autopilot for about 4 and a half months. Then I had that first Ultrasound and was able to see my daughter for the first time. At that moment I was able to start breathing again.

The boys and I had a blast decorating a nursery and shopping for baby stuff. Their excitement was wonderful. I GOT MY BRACES OFF on September 12th!!! Yay!!!!! And finally on September 13th Madelyn Leigha made her appearance. It's amazing how holding her for the first time had this calming effect on me. Suddenly I realized we were going to be ok. Our hospital stay was a little sad and lonely. Being a single mom giving birth is not a fairy tell by any stretch. (I hate shows like 16 and pregnant and teen mom who romanticize it) My sister was there for the delivery and whenever she could be and my mom was taking care of my boys so I spent 98% of our 4 days in the hospital alone. That is the only thing that shadows my daughters delivery. But we had a chance to bond and I always say that we might as well start the way it will be.

Having a new baby was definitely the big event of my year but not to forget that my boys had an awesome year too. Andrew graduated elementary school (again, haha) and started middle school. Chase got promoted to 4th grade and has lots of friends in his class. In November they both had birthdays. Chase turned 10 and Andrew turned 12 with a rockin party at Oasis Bowling (thank you groupon)! Oh and we also got a new car in February. A limited edition Jeep Commander that I love!!( and just recently figured out how to work completely)

BREAKING DAWN came out!!! Team Edward!!! Hahahahaha!!

As a family we celebrated Madelyn's first Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and New Years. All were amazing memories that we will carry me for a lifetime. I am truely blessed to have a great family and a good paying dependable job. Life has given me what I needed. Even if it wasn't what I thought I wanted.

Now for the resolutions...(I hate them!) haha

#1: TO GET FIT! I will reach my goal weight and milestones I am setting for myself! ( see how positive that sounded?!? Lol)

#2: Find the perfect house for me and the kiddos.

#3: To open a savings account for all three of my children in preparation for their future. My goal is to put at least $1,000 a year aside for each of them.

#4: To go home more. FAMILY is my first priority and I want Madelyn to know her extended family.

#5: TO LET GO. Maybe this should be the number #1. Holding onto hurt and injustice is never healthy and I have been doing it for way to long.

#6: To WEAR my retainer!!! Didn't go thru 2 years of ortho for nothing.

#7(last one): ORGANIZE!!!!

#8 (oops I lied, this is the last one): TO SAVE $$$$$.

So all in all not to bad of a year. I have loved and laughed and lost and found hope again. Thanks 2011 but don't let the door hit you on the way out. I hope 2012 is a little kinder and a lot easier.

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